The Orbit group were seeking a group wide Sustainability Strategy.
The eighth largest registered housing provider (RP) in the UK, Orbit have historically been at the leading edge of community development and engagement. Orbit manage some 34,000 homes across the Midlands, East Anglia, London and the South East.
Creating a Sustainability Strategy for such a diverse organisation has been complex. The creation of a baseline strategy is however enabling Orbit to build future work and investment on a sound embedded Sustainability principles.
The main focus in 2009 has been to ‘get their house in order’. The Working with Orbit’s own Green Team, Adam focused the initial work on Orbit’s existing office based operations. Carbon footprinting experts, Best Foot Forward, were brought in to carry out a carbon footprint of the head office. The results were then compared on key features with other selected offices. The footprint exercise has helped to identify key areas for future focused work as part of the group wide strategy.
Key project outcomes are:
- Board awareness and backing
- Recruitment and training of an internal Green Team
- Bespoke Carbon Footprint benchmarks
- Draft Strategy
- Internal Communications Plan
The final strategy and action plan will be completed in December 2009. This work will establish a leading model for embedding sustainability into the businesses processes for the Orbit Group.