• 07817 888448

Custom & Self-Build Projects

Actively involved in the emerging Custom and Self-Build market


Over the past decade we have become actively involved in the emerging Custom and Self-Build market in the UK. Driven on by our role in setting up the multi-award-winning community led, Cohousing scheme at Marmalade Lane, Cambridge, we are now engaged in a range of Custom and Self-Build initiatives.

Adam Broadway is an expert advisor to the Right to Build Task Force.

Community Housing

Community led housing is an emerging new housing option in the UK. It brings people together to commission and design their homes and communities. Instinctively Green offers a range of services to new and existing groups. Our focus is on the set up and facilitation/project advice to groups as they start on their journey to creating their new community. We offer the “hand holding “ service to give the group’s confidence and empower them in their decision-making.

Custom & Self-build advice

Mainly working through the Right to Build Task Force, we help clients (both private, voluntary and public) to bring forward new Custom and Self Build projects. Our advice includes writing project frameworks, headline feasibilities, CSB Strategy and scheme specific advice.